Valentines for everyone
Saturday 14th February

Valentines day can be enjoyable whatever your relationship situation. For those who've recently started dating someone it's a balance between making a good impression and not overdoing it. Taking the event light hearted and getting into the fun of things with a gift and enjoyable meal it's fine.

For those in a long term relationship it's more of a special night. Celebrating that you're getting on so well – a meal at a restaurant or a special dinner at home. Gifts that mean something.

Foy anyone single this Valentines day – as I am – with the money saved have a great time of an afternoon shopping for clothes. Buy some luxury food and cook a meal for yourself.

Some guys say they don't like Valentines day because of the pressure to spend money. In any relationship there's pressure for the man to earn and spend. It doesn't mean he has to spend a fortune. A girlfriend understands the amount a man spends isn't an indication of how they get on.

Summary and venue reviews: Saturday 14th February

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© Alex Remizo