Alex K big time stockmarket trader
Friday 4th September

It's 2pm. The phone rings.
Ring ring.
I press the handsfree button on my new telephone. It's a BT Décor 1300. It's brilliant. I've been looking for a phone like this for ages with the features of a clock, call timer, handsfree and battery powered so it doesn't need plugging in.
Me: "Hi."
Alex K: "Hi, its me."
Me: "Hi."
Alex K: "Have you seen the price of my stock?"
Me: "Mwana?"
Alex K: "Yes. I've made, guess how much. 11 grand."
Me: "Wow."
Alex K: "It's been going up all day."
Me: "That's brilliant."
This is huge. This is amazing. Alex K who despite having no money borrowed £13k from the bank and put it all into a mining company in Zimbabwe. It's worked out and now he's making a lot of money.

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© Alex Remizo